Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Files of Accounting Standards

Here are the files of Accounting Standards

Download link:

Download courtesy: CaClubIndia

Amalgamation and reconstruction notes

Here are the notes on Amalgamation and reconstruction notes

Download link:

Download courtesy: CaClubIndia

Insurance Claims

Here are the notes on Insurance Claims

Download link:

Download courtesy: CaClubIndia

Cash flow, Fund flow statements notes

Here is the powerpoint presentation on Cash flow, Fund flow statements.

Download link:

Download courtesy: CaClubIndia

Accounts Notes

Here are the Accounts Notes

Download link:

Download courtesy: CaClubIndia

Accounts Theory

Here are the notes on Accounts Theory

Download link:

Download courtesy: CaClubIndia

Partnership Accounts

Here are the notes on Partnership Accounts

Download link:

Download courtesy: CaClubIndia

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Company Accounts

Here is the download link for notes on Company Accounts

Download link:

Download courtesy: CaClubIndia

NATURE OF ACCOUNTS (as per Traditional & Modern Approach)

Here is the download link for notes on NATURE OF ACCOUNTS (as per Traditional & Modern Approach)

Download link:

Download courtesy: CaClubIndia

PCC Advanced Accounting

Here is the download link for notes on PCC Advanced Accounting

Download link:

Download courtesy: CaClubIndia

Branch Account Notes

Here is the download link for notes on Branch Account.

Download link:

Download courtesy: CaClubIndia

Accounts for Banking Company

Here is the download link for notes on accounts for banking company

Download link:

Download courtesy: CaClubIndia



Download link:

Download courtesy: CaClubIndia

Branch Account (PCC/IPCC)

Here is the download link for notes on Branch Account (PCC/IPCC).

Download link:

Download courtesy: CaClubIndia

Investment Accounts - IPCC/ATC

Here is the download link for Investment Accounts - IPCC/ATC

Download link:

Download courtesy: CaClubIndia


Here is the download link for THEORY QUESTIONS IN PCC/IPCC ACCOUNTS.

Download link:

Download courtesy: CaClubIndia

Accounts Notes - IPCC/PCC

Here is the download link for accounts notes.

Download link:

Download courtesy: CaClubIndia

Thursday, August 25, 2011

CA Final Gr 1 - Financial Management

Here is the download link for CA Final Gr 1 - Financial Management past papers.
Past papers of FM from may 1997 to june 2009.

Download link:

Download courtesy: CaClubIndia

RTP Final Nov 2011- Accounts

Here is the download link for RTP Final Nov 2011- Accounts

Download link:

Download courtesy: CaClubIndia

RTP Final Nov 2011- MAFA

Here is the download link for RTP Final Nov 2011- MAFA

Download link:

Download courtesy: CaClubIndia

RTP Final Nov 2011- Audit

Here is the download link for RTP Final Nov 2011- Audit

Download link:

Download courtesy: CaClubIndia

CA Final Group- II RTP for November-2011

Here is the download link for CA Final Group- II RTP for November-2011.
Download link:
Download courtesy: CaClubIndia

CA Final Group- I RTP for November-2011

Here is the download link for CA Final Group- I RTP for November-2011
Download link:
Download courtesy: CaClubIndia

E Journal August 2011 from ICAI

Here is the link to download E Journal of August 2011 from ICAI.
Download link:
Download courtesy: CaClubIndia

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Learning from Failure - CA Exams

This is the article given by Madhukar N Hiregange

After the CA examination either at the PCE/ IPCC level or the Final level a student who has not been successful wonders what happened and why they have not been successful. Students when they introspect commonly feel that: there was less time, they knew the answer but did not answer, though they prepared hard they did not read the question properly, they spent too much time on one question and did not attempt questions which they knew.

The ICAI publishes every year the subject wise question wise suggested answers to enable the student to see where they have erred. Last year onwards the suggested answers are on the web site before the results were announced declared. The head examiners comments every year is also being hosted after the results.

The course requires full coverage in the studies and hard work is a part and parcel of the same. Some of the examiners observations as well as some best practices gleaned in the interaction with students who have passed/ not been able to and some tips on how to excel in examination/ preparation are part of this article.

The suggestions start with preparation and end with post examination behavior. Students may examine which of the suggestions apply to them and adopt them for facing the next examination more confidently.

1. Understanding the Subject: At times the basics/ concepts are not clear while studying [ even while taking coaching]. This requires that the doubts be immediately clarified from the tutor/ teacher, seniors, colleagues. If study material not clear read up recommended books for that topic. Periodically a discussion to sort out doubts in a group could also help in better understanding.

2. Emphasis on ICAI study material: The ICAI study material has been substantially improved in the past year and is being improved with suggestions from the various stakeholders year after year. Many students maybe at the suggestion of the private coaching classes or deterred by the size of the material choose not to read them. Though many students in the May 2011 attempt focused on the study material and were successful some students did not. The dependence on the study guides of the tutorials / coaching classed maybe good to the limited extent of understanding of the particular concepts taught in the class is concerned. The size however should not be the reason. It is advisable that every student should cover the study material as it is what has been prescribed of reasonable quality and more importantly is the official material for paper setters as well as examiners. The practice manuals would also help in understanding and practicing the problems. While reference to other books may add value the basic reference should be of the materials. The compliers/ suggested answers and other publications for students would also address the needs of the students as to how they are expected to answer.

3. Latest updates/ amendments: Some of the students who have not fared well were not aware of the changes in the law as applicable. This may be due to the fact that they were using old study material or were not keeping abreast of the same as announced through the student’s journal and web site and supplementary study material. This may happen as the date of issue of the material and the date of taking up the examination maybe far apart. This should be avoided as paper setter as well as the examiner would expect that the student to use the current material. This was observed in strategic FM. In tax papers especially in final the need to know the case laws was felt lacking. [Even though the citation/ name may not be necessary.] Ignoring the latest standards has also been the cause of poor performance of students in accounting and auditing.

4. Change in emphasis to understanding, application and analysis: Over period of time the Industry has been observing that that CA though very knowledgeable is unable to apply what he / she has learnt. Therefore the pattern of the question paper as you may have observed has changed to include that aspect. The tutorials/ coaching classes may have also changed their methodology of teaching. If not the students should ask them to spend more time on the same. Working out the problems independently may also be a solution whether at home or at the classes. Emphasis on memorizing may not have the sort of results as it had in the past.

5. Lack of Preparation/ Structure: It is observed that some students do not concentrate on the difficult subjects ( for them) and spend more time on the easy subjects. Such students may fare badly as they have to clear all papers in a group. It maybe advisable that they first deal with the difficult one and ensure that they can get through that. Subjects where this was observed in MAFA and MICS. It maybe advisable to prepare a chart of what would be studied when in the initial period with last 15 days/ 1 month only allocated for revision. Some students try to forecast the paper. At times the coaching classes also may do so. That may not be advisable as the hall mark of the CA paper has been its uniqueness and unpredictability.

6. Low level of knowledge of Acts/ Rules: In the law subjects not knowing the basic provisions can be a reason for low marks. The reading of the bare act could be a solution. The subject where this was observed was direct taxes, indirect taxes and corporate and allied laws.

7. Lack of practice: The papers where the problems are provided require practice of the same. Reading the study material/ practice manuals may not be enough. It is suggested that students may work out the problems to understand them. The subjects where there was a lack of practice were cost accounting, financial reporting and indirect taxes.

8. Ensuring that one does a few tests in all papers+ mock test: The taking of tests in examination conditions at least 30-45 days before the examination would provide a rain check on the extent of preparedness. Student would himself/ herself realize where they are lacking and concentrate on those to do well in the real examination.

9. Avoid Last Minute Cramming: The last minute overload would put pressure on the student and possibility of underperforming is very high. Students should get a good night sleep prior to the examination and come as relaxed as possible to the examination hall. It does to help to build up anxiety on the eve of the examination.

10. Avoid Coming Late for Examination: Plan to arrive at least 30 minutes early considering various aspects like traffic, rain etc. In the CA examination it is not advisable to miss out any part of the examination time. Further it may put one in a panic situation and hamper the answering.

11. Common Mistakes at the time of examination: There are a number of common mistakes which have been observed. Students may pick the ones which are applicable to them.

a. Not following Instructions: The instructions in the admit card and the question paper should be read carefully. Students who do not follow the same may end up quite unhappy. Not making any distinguishing marks/ appeal in the paper is one such example.

b. Illegible handwriting: If an examiner cannot read, student could end up with lower marks though the instructions are otherwise. Very small, large handwriting or lack of spacing [adding a line in between] could also be illegible.

c. Legible handwriting in main paper but illegible working notes. Since working notes also carry marks, chance of losing that if that is done.

d. Incorrect English language and grammar can confound the examiner who may have to read repeatedly and not be able to make out what the student wishes to communicate.

e. Not reading the question properly lead to answering totally incorrectly. Some time maybe spent to confirm what is being asked. [15 minutes time has been given from the May 2011 attempt onwards- which seems to have helped substantially]

f. Choice of sequence of answering. Start by answering the easy ones and the short comments answers.

g. Leaving margin for the examiner to enter the marks may also be advisable.

h. Long answers to short answer questions and vice versa not advisable. Vague answers to short answers would not get marks. Specific / brief answers sufficient for such questions. [ some correlation with the marks maybe maintained.] In case of shortage of time give only points.

i. Missing answering a question is not advisable. If not much known at least attempt the same.

j. Panicking and Giving Up : Panicking as some questions attempted not able to be answered properly. The same maybe the situation of many, therefore coolly continue to attempt and under no circumstances leave the hall in between. Einstein the renowned scientist says that there are many people in the world who gave up when they were so near their goal. Many students who continued to write the particular paper or the next paper though they felt that they had not done a particular paper well would vouch that thanks to that they got through.

Best of luck in the preparation for your examination as well as best of luck in your exam. May you come out victorious and excel as an ethical professional.

Madhukar N Hiregange FCA

Why to Depress Yourself - Work Hard Again

Here is the another article given by Richank Garg

Hi Friends,

I have seen that lots of students are depressed and disappointed just because of their negative results. I just wanted to ask one thing that now what is the point of depressing yourself? What I understand from the current situation is that the first few days after result are very crucial because they can break you. Here, at this point support of someone is a much needed medicine. So I am here to give you that support with my thoughts and suggestions.

Dear Friends, Trust me there is no need to worry and there is nothing wrong with your preparation. Only small improvisation in exam planning is required which you can do with the help of your senior’s suggestion. You have done your best and worked really hard to reach there and your preparation is fine. Just a smart finishing in your preparation is required to clear your exam. This finishing requires:

1. A Good Study plan.

2. A Good Revision schedule.

3. Self confidence.

4. Knowledge of good presentation skills.

There is no point spoiling your entire efforts by leaving CA or any other professional course. Today you have knowledge and experience so convert this into your strength and promise yourself to clear the next attempt with flying colours.

Now it's time to check what went wrong and work on your mistakes. As per my suggestion work out on your presentation skills. Make short notes of imp topics and keep revising them. Discuss topics with your friends for better grip.

I just wanted to tell you that since you all are quite experienced as far as CA Exams are concerned so why not to use this experience as your strength for the next attempt.

I personally feel that here in CAclubindia all of you have gel well with each other so come forward and help each other. Now the time has come that we have to pull up our socks as far as exam preparation is concerned and deliver good result.

I would advise you all to work on your strength area and improve weaknesses. I also suggest you all to fix up a time schedule for each deliverables and beat or meet the time lines. As you all know time runs out quickly so let us make full use of our time.

Let us set a new benchmark in terms of performance in CA Exams. I know you all are having lot of potential but now it is a time for execution.

I would further suggest you to please capture all the immediate requirements and start ticking one by one. Trust we all together can make a difference.

Please take care of the following points while preparing for exams and facing the results:

1. Select good books and right notes

2. Make day to day planning for studies and tries to achieve the same

3. Never waste your time

4. Take help from your friends. Use their experience

5. Never lose hopes even after negative results

6. Stay away from depression and isolation

7. Keep a good revision plan ready

8. Maintain your self confidence.


Honesty is the best policy so be honest to yourself and your studies.

Trust you all are with me in this Endeavour.

A famous quote you must be knowing !!!!!

Winners don't do different things but they do things differently.

All the Best


Revised Schedule VI of Companies Act,1956

Here is Power Point presentation on Revised Schedule VI of Companies Act, 1956
Download link:
Download courtesy : CaClubIndia


This is the article given by Rahul Bansal



1 Study from ICAI / ICSI / ICWAI MODULES for all subjects supplemented by other books recommended by your coaching centres or friends. ICAI MODULES are must. Even, in exams many of the questions are framed from modules itself.

2 Make brief notes of relevant topics in one page which you feel that they are very important from exam point of view by in very brief and concise form so that it becomes easy to remember.

3 Make TIME TABLE for preparation of topics on daily basis or weekly basis. But, remember you should follow it. Any variation in time table must be taken seriously by you and take corrective actions.

4 Supervision is must for your TIME TABLE. And u can only become your own best supervisor for all ACTS u perform for exam preparation.

5 Ensure two revisions before you appear for the examination. In other words, a minimum of three readings should have been completed by the time you appear for the examination.

6 Look all the question papers of previous examinations so that you easily cope up with answering question framed during exams. It’s very compulsory for each and every student.

7 Based on weightage to each topics of every modules, prepare accordingly and spend more time and effort for important topics. But be careful, don’t ever go blindly with the last 5 year’s paper trend. It may be change in your exam case.

8 In the case of theory subjects, focus on understanding the concepts thoroughly . Read each topics again and again. U will memorise them automatically.

9 In the case of numerical subjects, such as accountancy, costing and mathematics, focus on understanding the methods, formulae and format of presenting the solution.

10 Practice makes the man perfect.

11 Have group study once in a week. It will prove boon to your preparation.

12. LASTLY, “Winner’s don’t do different things, they do things differently.” Be a “WINNER”.



Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Important Questions & Answers on Information Technology

Here is the download link :
Download courtesy : CAClubIndia

Sunday, August 21, 2011

How to prepare and score well in Audit subject

This is the article given by Richank Garg

Dear All,

As we all know Audit is a very important and tricky paper for PCC and Final level and responsible for student’s failure some times. To excel in Audit proper preparation and planning is very much required to avoid failure. Further Audit is a paper which requires a practical approach towards actual Audit work.

According to me while studying audit paper you should consider yourself as an auditor and analyze and comment on the situation as an auditor.

Some of the points which can really help you to score well in Audit are as follows. Sincerely hope that the same would help you to deal with audit paper.

Some of the important and common topics for IPCC and Final Audit are:

1. Accounting Standards (AS) and Auditing Standards (SA)

2. Company Audit

3. Verification and vouching


In Audit paper Accounting Standards (AS) and Auditing Standards (SA) plays very crucial role. This role has two way functionality. One is good preparation of AS and SA give good confidence to deal with exam paper and pressure; Second is good preparation of AS and SA helps you to deal with real job situations during your professional journey.

Special attention to SA and AS is required to be given. Along with good knowledge of SA and AS the technique to apply SA and AS in audit practical problems should also be clear to you all.

To understand the application of SA and AS in audit practical problems I would advise you to observe the application of SA and AS in the scanner solutions and ICAI suggested.

It is also advisable to mention SA in audit paper wherever required just like sections. For example if some where going concern word is used in the context of Audit, you may mention the relevant AS no. where “going concern” is defined and explain the same if you have time.

All am trying to focusing to the connectivity of AS and SAs. For example while explaining SA-5 you can connect SA-16 in a good manner then go for it. Show your knowledge. Remember 20 to 30 marks are covered by SA and AS. So prepare accordingly.


As per my understanding audit is a paper requires lots of quick and logical application of mind to answer practical problems. Hence I’d suggest you to give a reading to ICAI audit study material to understand the depth and figure out the efforts and time required for preparation. By this kind of reading you may prepare a strategy for audit purpose.

Here you can make necessary notes for yourself on the study book during reading. This will surely help you to deal with audit subject later on during final preparation.

During this study keep scanner with you to figure out the important topics. Later on use any good notes to prepare. Remember at this moment you have everything in your mind like what is imp along with basic idea of the topic and chapter.


As per my suggestion selection of right books is very important. I’d suggest you to go with Paduka book along with Surbhi Bansal’s notes for reference. Timely reference of ICAI syudy is also recommended.

Surbhi Bansal’s notes/books can be very handy for the preparation of SA in Audit paper.


In Audit paper Practical questions plays an important role. These Practical questions mostly based on Practical questions Accounting standards and auditing standards. Here I’d advise you to refer DS Rawat book for preparing Accounting standards. Always remember good command over Accounting standards and its application to practical questions are the real key to score in audit.

Further Accounting standards are also mandatory to prepare for Financial Reporting paper or Accounting paper. So give special attention to AS.


Strategy for company audit also needs to be prepared well in advance. Weightage of company audit is very high in audit paper. For this I’d suggest you to prepare well all the relevant sections. Refer previous exam practical problems asked in previous exams.


I would strongly suggest you all to stick to the basics of study to avoid further failure and ensure success. For me some basics of study are as follows:

a) Timely completion of course material—Very first basic thing is to finish your course to have better idea of course structure. This will also help you to prepare a good revision schedule along with study plan.

b) Timely revision-- Another basic study point is to give ample emphasis to a good revision plan. There is nothing is this world which can substitute a good revision plan. To succeed revision is must.

c) Ample amount of practice of Numerical [account and cost] questions-- One major reason of student failure is bad performance in practical questions. So ample amount of practice of Numerical [account and cost] questions is must along with perfect conceptual clarity.

d) Right amount of theory preparation in practical subjects—Most of the students don’t give due value to the theory in the practical subject. So right amount of theory preparation in practical subjects is equally important. The best way to solve this issue is to prepare notes of frequently asked theory questions from Scanner.

e) Selection of right books—Another basic point for good preparation is the selection of right reference books. So take help from your seniors in choosing right books.

f) Good presentation of theory— Lack of good presentation especially in theory paper is one of the major drawbacks for most of the students. In theory subjects good presentation of theory is must along with mentioning case laws and sections etc. So I’d request you all to take note of the same.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

IPCC May 2011 suggested answers by ICAI (Information Technology and Strategic Management)

Here is the download link to suggested answers of IPCC May 2011 exam.
Paper 7 : Information Technology and Strategic Management
Download link :
Download courtesy : CaClubIndia

Tips for CA students........!! - S.Supriya

Here is the article which I came across internet given by S. Supriya

Hi Friends,

I think everybody is anxiously waiting for results,

CPT students think about how they are going to IPCC

IPCC students feel “whether I will clear both groups / single group?”

If I clear only 1st group can I go for articles now or after writing g...roup 2 exams,

If I have to go for articles, as I have group 2 exams so I have to choose a firm where I can have exam leave…………

These are the thoughts many of our friends are having…..

So I just want to share some points that are to be considered for joining articles:

(These points are only my thoughts based on me and my friends’ experiences)

In every firm there will be advantages and disadvantages, so we have to consider how the advantages are favoring you. Not preferred in Big 4 - because there the main disadvantage is that department wise work will be allocated and you will there in one department for example Compliance Department where you will be perfect in compliance but no knowledge in Tax Audits, its enough if they have some company audits, tax audits, special assignments. Similarly you should not go for Individual Auditors – because there work burden will be there but exposure will be less. Firms in Metropolitan cities are preferable – to have good exposure in audit and facilities for coaching. Minimum no. of articles should be there so that entire work burden won’t fall on you. Leave – Exam leave must be given as per ICAI Rules. Some people think that we need leave for coaching and preparation. For that purpose many will prefer some known auditor who gives leave or go for Dummy Articles. But just think why CA course is having its specialty when compared to other professional courses, this is only because of practical training and simultaneous Studying. The one who can manage both at a time will get through CA in first attempt.

I feel that there will be something special in every qualified CA as he also crossed our stage. So while interview is going on, you can observe him and find whether he will be friendly in teaching when you do mistakes. Choose a firm where there is scope even though you do mistakes. This 3 years period is very short period to get trained as an auditor. So make use of this period.

(My personal experience - where I am unable to answer questions in two interviews at one place Interviewer encouraged me and at the other place I got discouragement)

Some of my friends have joined articles after completing Group 1 thinking that they can go for a better firm after clearing Group 2, but is it necessary to get terminated at place and go to another firm again. So I suggest you to join a firm with an intention to continue there. Finally to conclude is that you have chosen a nice destination (CA) , so try to have a good path for reaching there.

All the best



IPCC May 2011 suggested answers by ICAI (Auditing and Assurance)

Here is the download link to suggested answers of IPCC May 2011 exam.
Paper 6 : Auditing and Assurance
Download link :
Download courtesy : CaClubIndia

IPCC May 2011 suggested answers by ICAI (Advanced Accounting)

Here is the download link to suggested answers of IPCC May 2011 exam.
Paper 5 : Advanced Accounting
Download link :
Download courtesy : CaClubIndia

IPCC May 2011 suggested answers by ICAI

Here are the suggested answers for IPCC May 2011 exam.
Download Group 1 :
Download courtesy: CaClubIndia